Thursday, December 12, 2013

AngularJS controllers and templates

Something I threw together today was the ability to hit this route:



...and get the following back in an AngularJS application:



It comes up in a web page. The piece of HTML is in a template. The templates are summoned into a div which is a piece of a greater .html page which holds the navigation for the application. Think master pages in ASP.NET. Anyways, the most important bit of our master page is:

<div id="page-wrapper" ui-view></div>


We use the following controller. The .js file containing the controller gets referenced in the "master page" so that the controller may be found.

assetControllers.controller('fooCtrl', ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$modal',
   function fooCtrl($scope, $state, $stateParams, $modal) {
      var myid = $;
      $scope.things = [];
      $scope.things.push({asgiven: myid, asaddedtoself: myid + myid});


The template:

<h1 class="page-header">Foo!</h1>
<div ng-repeat="thing in things">
   <br />


I was at first surprised that 13 + 13 equaled 1313 instead of 26, but I suppose I should not be. Everything that comes over the URL line is going to be a string. If I needed 13 to be an integer, I would have had to do some casting in my controller. How do the template and the controller get found to begin with? Well, there has to be a list of routes in app.js. It will look like so:

adminApp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
      .state('foo', {
         url: "/foo/:id",
         templateUrl: "templates/foo.html",
         controller: 'fooCtrl'
      .state('bar', {
         url: "/bar",
         templateUrl: "templates/bar.html",
         controller: 'barCtrl'
      .state('baz', {
         url: "/baz",
         templateUrl: "templates/baz.html",
         controller: 'bazCtrl'
      .state('qux', {
         url: "/qux",
         templateUrl: "templates/qux.html",
         controller: 'quxCtrl'



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