Sunday, December 4, 2011

ten must have C# string manipulations

Well, actually here are nine string manipulations you cannot live without and one you will never need. These tests passed for me:
  1. Determine if a string contains another string:


    public void ShouldFindLiarInBilliards()


       string billiards = "billiards";

       string liar = "liar";

       int matchNotation = billiards.IndexOf(liar);

       bool isMatch;

       if (matchNotation != -1)


          isMatch = true;

       } else {

          isMatch = false;





  2. Split a string into an array of strings based upon a particular character:


    public void BilliardsShouldSplitIntoThreePieces()


       string billiards = "billiards";

       string splitChar = "i";

       string[] splitPieces = billiards.Split(splitChar.ToCharArray());

       Assert.AreEqual(3, splitPieces.Length);

       Assert.AreEqual("b", splitPieces[0]);

       Assert.AreEqual("ll", splitPieces[1]);

       Assert.AreEqual("ards", splitPieces[2]);



  3. Drop the last character on a string:


    public void MayMakeBilliardsSingular()


       string billiards = "billiards";

       string billiard = billiards.TrimEnd('s');




  4. Trim the last few characters and/or the first few characters off of a string:


    public void MayTrimBilliardsToLiarWithSubstring()


       string billiards = "billiards";

       billiards = billiards.Substring(0, 7);


       billiards = billiards.Substring(3, 4);




  5. Use regular expressions for determining if a string is of a particular shape:


    public void BilliardsIsNotAnEmailAddress()


       string billiards = "billiards";

       bool isMatch;

       if (Regex.IsMatch(billiards, @"^\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-+.']\w+)*\.\w+([-+.']\w+)*$"))


          isMatch = true;

       } else {

          isMatch = false;


       Assert.AreEqual(false, isMatch);



  6. Convert a string to title case:


    public void MayCastSentenceToTitleCase()


       string billiards = "Come to Tom's billiards room!";

       CultureInfo cultureInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;

       TextInfo textInfo = cultureInfo.TextInfo;

       billiards = textInfo.ToTitleCase(billiards);

       Assert.AreEqual("Come To Tom's Billiards Room!", billiards);



  7. Replace a piece of a string with other characters:


    public void MayReplaceLiarWithTruthTeller()


       string billiards = "billiards";

       billiards = billiards.Replace("liar", "truth-teller");

       Assert.AreEqual("biltruth-tellerds", billiards);



  8. Encrypt a string:


    public void MayEncryptBilliards()


       string billiards = "billiards";

       System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider objCript;

       objCript = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider();

       byte[] bytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(billiards);

       bytes = objCript.ComputeHash(bytes);

       System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

       foreach (byte bit in bytes)




       billiards = builder.ToString();

       Assert.AreEqual("dcffcb328215e331284aacb75781da68", billiards);



  9. Cast a double and/or a decimal to a string while formatting it as currency:


    public void MayFormatBilliardsHallDailyRevenueAsCurrency()


       decimal decimalValue = 1921.39m;

       string decimalString = String.Format("Day: {0:C}", decimalValue);

       Assert.AreEqual("Day: $1,921.39", decimalString);

       double doubleValue = 1921.39;

       string doubleString = String.Format("Day: {0:C}", doubleValue);

       Assert.AreEqual("Day: $1,921.39", doubleString);




  10. Reverse a string (which you will never need to do):


    public void MayReverseBilliards()


       string billiards = "billiards";

       char[] characterArray = billiards.ToCharArray();


       billiards = new string(characterArray);




For more information on string manipulations, please click the image here:

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