Sunday, January 11, 2015

two things related to music, tech, and my sister

One: I saw my mother and sister today. We played cards at my sister's apartment. I had given my sister a copy of Pitch Black Prism for Christmas and she played it on her Xbox. It turns out that when you play a CD on an Xbox you get visuals comparably to those goofy visuals one sees when using the Windows Media Player. My sister projects the display from her Xbox onto a wall in her place. It is shown here. These are the CD's effects.

Two: My sister has claimed an abandoned acoustical guitar that was left by the dumpster at her apartment complex and I Googled for an application to help her tune it. We found Guitar Tuna and she liked it. You play a string, it will listen, and it will tell you if you need to tighten or loosen a knob at the guitar's end or head or whatever the proper term is. I guess this shows off how little I know about guitars. She said she had tried Guitar Tuner, a different iPhone app, previously to no avail. Guitar Tuna, the better app, is shown here.

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