Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I saw Michael Nero speak on SignalR on Monday.

This was at an Austin .NET User Group meeting. Things that were said that were new to me included the priority that SignalR will give to how it facilitates real time updates:

  1. WebSockets
  2. Server Sent Events
  3. Forever Frame
  4. Long Polling
  5. Short Polling

Short polling, which I had not heard of before, would entail a kludgy means of periodically attempting an asynchronous connection based upon a timer in lieu of holding open a connection via long polling. I also learned that the 1.0 release of SignalR came with the second update for Visual Studio 2012 and that SignalR will respect matching between a camel case JavaScript function name and a Pascal case C# method that is to be its dance partner provided that the names are otherwise the same. There is a respect for JavaScript conventions and not an attempt to force a C# convention into the JavaScript space.

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