Monday, February 24, 2020

I watched yet another five minute chunk of the Blazor intro video I found.

Following up on this and this, this is offered for a debounce lookup feature:

@code {
   string searchQuery;
   bool isSearching;
   CancellationTokenSource currentSearchCts;
   Location[] locations = new Location[0];
   bool noResults;
   string SearchQuery
      get => searchQuery;
         searchQuery = value;
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchQuery))
            _ = SearchDebounced(searchQuery);
   bool IsSearching => isSearching || currentSearchCts != null;
   public EventCallback<Location> LocationChanged { get; set; }
   async Task GetLocalWeather()
      isSearching = true;
      var geolocation = await GetlocationService.GetLocationAsync();
      var currentLocation = await
      isSearching = false;
      await LocationChanged.InvokeAsync(currentLocation);
   async Task SearchDebounced(string query)
         noResults = false;
         currentSearchCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
         var thisSearchToken = currentSearchCts.Token;
         await Task.Delay(500);
         if (!thisSearchToken.IsCancellationRequested)
            var results = await WeatherForecastService.GetLocationByTest(query);
            if (!thisSearchToken.IsCancellationRequested)
               locations = results;
               noResults = locations.Length == 0;
               currentSearchCts = null;
      catch (Exception ex)
   void LocationSelected(ChangeEventArgs e)
      var locationName = (string)e.Value;
      var selectedLocation = locations.FirstOrDefault(l => CityState(l) == locationName);
      if (selectedLocation != null)
         searchQuery = null;
         noResults = false;
         locations = new Location[0];
   string CityState(Location location) => $"{location.LocalizedName},
   string GetSearchClass() => IsSearching ? "search-icon spinning" : "search-icon";


Some of the markup added:

<LocationSearch LocationChanged="LocationChanged" />


Later on there is talk of digging out the geolocation from the browser with JavaScript. Blazor has interop capabilities with JavaScript. AspNetMonsters.Blazor.Geolocation is a NuGet package that does the work already. An IJSRuntime is the type for a JavaScript interop like so:

var result = await jsRuntime.InvokeAsync<Location>
      ("AspNetMonsters.Blazor.Geolocation", requestId);


The parameters after the first one are generic parameters that will get past on to JavaScript and the generic parameter is the return type.

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