Thursday, February 28, 2019

random just-getting-started notes on mixing Azure DevOps Pipelines with Octopus deployments

  • 1.$(Rev:r).0 is an example of a version number in Azure DevOps incrementing the minor version.
  • The package application command for an Angular app turns a dist folder into a .nupkg file (NuGet package). This is a part of a build pipeline as opposed to a release pipeline. The .nupkg is one of the Artifacts in Azure DevOps. A release pipeline in distinction takes an artifact and puts it in an environment, copying files onto a server somewhere, etc.
  • At a pipeline in Azure DevOps you may click the three dots in a horizontal progression at the upper right and pick "Export" to make a .json file out of all of the rules that make up that pipeline. There is an "Import a pipeline" beneath the "New" menu at Builds under Pipelines too that may be used to import such a file to be used as a starter for a new pipeline! YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) is apparently used to store the pipelines internally within Azure DevOps, but the YAML gets cast to JSON when exported from the interface.
  • Just as you need an application pool to run a website in IIS, you need an agent pool to run an Azure pipeline. The agent pool denotes the server to do the work of running tests, packaging, etc.
  • A build will have a series of tasks for doing things like running tests and linting. When you add a task you may search for "npm" to find a task type to run npm commands. This will have a drop down containing "install" which runs npm install and "custom" which runs npm run FILLINTHEBLANKHERE alternatively. You will use "custom" and type in "test" to run the unit tests. All of the tasks have a "Control Options" accordion to expand and the "Continue on error" checkbox, which is not checked by default, can allow the build to keep running even if a test fails though I do not recommend such an approach to continuous integration.
  • Under "Builds" under "Pipelines" in Azure DevOps at the upper right, there are two icons. One that looks like a bunch of checkmarks by a bunch of line items for "Recent" and one that looks like a manila folder for "Folders" in contrast. Click the folder icon if you do not see your build. It may have ended up tucked away here if it is not deemed to be recent.

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