Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Create a pull request in Atlassian Bitbucket's paradigm.

  1. Log in as you at: https://bitbucket.org/

  2. At the far right is a list of repositories. Click on the applicable repository.

  3. The page will change and at the upper left you will see a vertical list of nav items. One of them is "Pull requests" and you should click upon it.

  4. The next page that comes up is kinda nude save for a button that reads "Create pull request" at the far upper right. Click the button. (It is a little hard to notice at first.)

  5. There is a little form to fill out that appears. Select where you want to pull from and where you would like your code to be pushed to. In the "Reviewers" field, type in the name of a reviewer. The interface should hopefully match up what you type with a real choice. Finally, click the "Create pull request" button.

  6. You'll get an email telling you when your request is approved or declined and if it is approved and declined. Obviously, you have to wait for the reviewer to act before you get such an email.

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