Friday, June 30, 2017

June Queso

  1. Pull in Atlassian SourceTree after making a branch in Jira or you'll never see the branch.
  2. Omni Plus and OmniServer are accounting/HR tools.
  3. IMO means in my opinion and IMAO means in my ARROGANT opinion.
  4. GNU stands for "GNU's Not Unix" but it is a Unixesque operating system nonetheless don't you know?
  5. Any engine can be used as a generator and you may record audio through your headphones. Electronic devices may be run in reverse.
  6. Jade has been renamed to Pug. It's some sort of templating thingy.
  7. Hornil StylePix is perhaps another image editor.
  8. Friend or Follow is an app to let you know who unfollowed you on social media.
  9. is another search engine
  10. Assembly is the second generation language between binary ones and zeros and a third generation language like C++. Microsoft Access might be an example of fourth generation language, something with a GUI (graphical user interface) flavoring written in a third generation language.
  11. Windows Store apps are going to run on Windows 10.
  12. In Adobe Photoshop CS6: Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen ...tries to make the blurry crisp.
  13. Smite is a game like Overwatch.
  14. A lot of true/false values appear as Y or N for yes or no in Viewpoint and are not even bit types at the database. CootiesYN might be the name of a Viewpoint database table of this ilk.
  15. Three Layers is the old framework for an application before Onion Architecture. A data layer bleeds into a middle layer of logic and that bleeds into a third layer that is the UI. All three layers end up tightly tied to each other and it is not too easy to get the business logic stuff under unit tests. Moreover, the business logic layer tends to be thin thusly. A lot of spaghetti code builds up just in the UI, and obviously so at the data layer in the absence of an ORM like NHibernate. Our sandwich is thus mostly bread and sparse on meat.
  16. Rickrolling loosely is the art of baiting users with a link for something only to give them something else upon their taking of the bait and clicking the link. In the more strict interpretation, for which the namesake is derived, the bait and switch takes one to the music video of Rick Astley singing Never Gonna Give You Up, hence the moniker.
  17. FUD is an old IBM sales strategy. You fill your victim with fear, uncertainty, and doubt and scare them into protecting themselves... with your help of course.
  18. Apache Spark is for big data analytics and Apache Sqoop for importing big data. Apache Kafka is pub/sub stuff. Apache Flume is for aggregating logs. Apache Cassandra is a NoSQL database. Vertica is a kind of database and Cloudera a server for managing databases. Oozie server is for workflow scheduling.
  19. A word cloud is an image made up of words. The words describe a thing, like how you, all of XYZ Corp's employees, feel about working at XYZ Corp, etc. The size and loudness of particular words in the image will be greater based upon upvotes.
  20. Windows 10 Home is some sort of watered-down, not for work, Windows 10.
  21. is some sort of jQuery way (toolkit) to do paginated lists.
  22. If a column is consistently null at a production database table, you probably don't need it's field at the sister POCO at all.
  23. A type ahead feature sort of makes suggestions for what you might put as you start typing at a text field.
  24. "nothing blocking" is something you might say in a stand up meeting to let others know you're not blocked
  25. The Bourne part of Bourne shell is named for a Stephen R. Bourne.
  26. 666 is numeric notation for a really weird, nonsensical Unix file permission in which everyone can write and execute but no one can read. In a set of three numbers like this (it's not one number in the hundreds) the first number represents permissions for the immediate user, the second for the user's group, and the third is a corny sticky setting for those who are not the user himself/herself. 124 would mean the user can read only, the group can write only, and the sticky folk may execute only. Do you see what the 1, the 2, and the 4 do? A 0 is for no permissions whatsoever and combination of the one, the two, the four, and I suppose even the zero if you like, will add up to cumulative permissions such that a three may read and write but not execute and a seven may do everything.
  27. affiliate - a business concern owned or controlled in whole or in part by another concern (thank you
  28. Noise cancelling headphones will mess with your mind by not allowing you to hear much of your own voice when you speak.
  29. SFTP could be SSH File Transfer Protocol or Secure File Transfer Protocol and is a different way to transfer files, not FTP.
  30. Remediation has to do with (is of) code clean up.
  31. Workbench as a term could imply a place to hook up a computer to do diagnostics and upgrades/updates. You could dogpile a bunch of computers that need love here too and get to them when you can. This is something other (different locale) than the rack at the data center. Think of the shop for the A+ certified computer repair space, etc. The term feels a bit blue collar anymore.
  32. Go is a programming language and Apiary a platform for API design.
  33. has some geeky stuff for you to buy
  34. Onion Skin is a term in cartooning. It has to do with thin pieces of paper and how one can lay one sheet over another and trace what is there while changing up just a little bit. Progressively you can make an animation in this nature.
  35. Viewpoint will come with x number of user licenses and if everyone is using Viewpoint at once you may have to ask someone to get out of Viewpoint in order for you to get in.
  36. I've heard before that the R in CRUD was for rename, but I don't think this is so. I think I've heard of replace too. It's read.
  37. AMBER (America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response) Alerts are named for Amber Hagerman. They didn't used to automatically trickle into your iPhone, but at some point an iOS update made them commonplace.
  38. Erlang is another programming language. It was developed by Ericsson, the Swedish cell phone company that was big in the 1990s.
  39. Fine Uploader (see is a JavaScript library for breaking a file up into digestible chunks while pushing it to an endpoint for upload.
  40. In theory, Microsoft is not to ever again have a new operating system. It will just extend Windows 10. We shall see how long that lasts.
  41. A coworker suggested that when you use an app for free that it's you who are the product. Facebook sells off your data which is how it makes money, etc. It will microphone lurk at your phone and pick up speech and then match on keywords. Fun, fun!
  42. cuil is a long dead search engine
  43. Wikipedia says that Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI) at one point bought that Alias, Wavefront, and Cray.
  44. The web safe colors are a very 1990s list of hexadecimal values for colors to use on monitors which cannot handle millions of colors.
  45. The HTC corporation has virtual reality headsets which I think are referred to as: HTC Vive
  46. "Escape The Room" is a fun thing to do as a teambuilder distraction for work. As best as I can tell a lot of differing companies offer this service. They put your team in a room for an hour and you see if you can solve the puzzles you have to solve to get out of the room before an hour ticks off the clock.
  47. A org chart is a breakdown of who is equal, who is less equal, and who reports to who. When your pseudoboss tells you he can't talk to you about grievances because you don't report to him, it's the org chart he's pointing to, etc. Oh, elation!
  48. Periodically, someone will gatecrash the phone tree and ring my desk phone at work. I'll then have to give them the number for the secretary.
  49. Carpal Tunnel is the disorder wherein your hand hurts from using the mouse and/or the keyboard. If you have this, you're worthless to society.
  50. A parallelogram in UML represents an input or output. A rectangle is a process of some sort.
  51. Hand sanitizer dispensers of various shapes are a new modern trapping. They have only been existing in mass all around us in the little while that I have been keeping this blog. You are a hypochondriac modern man!
  52. Venmo, owned by PayPal, is an app for little transactions... repay a friend $13 for lunch, etc.
  53. is a goofy place to buy stuff now owned by Amazon.
  54. UML stands for Unified Modeling Language.
  55. Mark Zuckerberg is the name of that guy running Facebook. The Social Network is that movie about him and his power struggle with the Winklevosses amongst other things.
  56. That decorator pattern is older than Eric Evans ideas which explains why it's so goofy. I don't think I need it in my wheelhouse. If you had a Tshirt as a product and a cigarette pocket and a 2XL size as customizations, you would make a TShirt object and then make a CigarettePocket object while handing the TShirt in at the CigarettePocket's constructor and then, finally, make a TwoXLSize while handing the CigarettePocket in at the TwoXLSize's constructor. The TwoXLSize then has enough going on under the hood to masquerade as a TShirt in terms of what comes up to the UI. How is this not ghetto?
  57. Micromanagement is close scrutiny and redirection, in the form of course corrections, of employees. Think of that Dilbert cartoon where the boss is standing at his shoulder and telling him to click on something. Ha! Before you go on a self-righteous tirade about how this is bad remember that this is only happening to you because you have some chops to begin with and that the way "out" or somewhat out is to grow more chops which will demand more carte blanche respect. This is part of capitalism... anymore. Unions no longer have clout.
  58. is an SEO hack made to embarrass Rick Santorum!
  59. is a place to get a domain name.
  60. Barco's wireless presentation systems are interesting. ClickShare CS-100 is an example of a model, though maybe not the model we have at my work. There will be a device that plugs into a USB port (at a laptop) which just has a button. You hook the device up and find ClickShare_for_Windows.exe on the device across the USB port and run the .exe. Going forward you just press the physical button when you want to take over from someone else and start presenting. This is cool stuff with a bit of bling.
  61. Ctrl-mousewheel tends to scale browser fonts or alternatively the font in Visual Studio up and down in size.
  62. Hyper-V is some sort of VM/cloud solution/tool. It is Microsoft stuff.
  63. taxonomy is gonna be a game plan for classifying things, naming conventions for breaking up files into folders, etc.
  64. Someone once told me about an app which recommends times for pee breaks during movies, but I cannot remember what it is. The concept is fascinating because I assume the app would recommend the most worthless time/part of a movie to miss. How would it know? Would users suggest points of disinterest in each film?
  65. a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a metric to track (one of many) for how healthy your business is and how well it is doing and KPM (Key Performance Measure) is a similar acronym
  66. When you add a getsetter to an object in C# only to find you cannot use the new getsetter, well maybe you drilled into a .dll in Visual Studio by way of some of JetBrain's magic and maybe you made a pseudochange there at the object.
  67. OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is a leadership process for setting goals.
  68. In cold calling people you are trying to get past the "gatekeeper" to speak to the "decision maker" in your tedium. Sandler sales training specifically has a fail fast philosophy. If it's not a good fit, let's just move on. The old school model of going door-to-door selling a vacuum cleaner, or at least trying to, and talking a victim into something they don't need doesn't apply here. Instead a good victim is already in pain and really needs the thing you have to offer to get out of pain. In prospecting and having conversations that might lead to leads for victims even in the immediate party doesn't fit, part of the manipulation is to tell others "Hey, I have a note from my boss here to call you. Do you know why we should be speaking?" and to let the other party brainstorm ways there might be a fit in the name of saving you. Going "not OK" and saying things like "I know we screwed up and I bet you'll never use us again." is another way to get... "saved"
  69. Early Access is a term for an open alpha of sorts in gaming, video games.
  70. William Gibson coined the terms cyberspace and cyberpunk, the former being of the internet and the later a little harder to define. Steampunk, sort of old-meets-new in science fiction (that will remind you that science fiction technically starts with Jules Verne and "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" in 1870 and the not cold war space race) is a terminology offshoot.
  71. MSAjax was some way to do Ajax in MVC 1. You never hear about it anymore. Everyone realized the jQuery way was best instead back then.
  72. You photobomb someone when you purposefully put yourself as an unwanted addition in the background of the photo with them.
  73. VirusTotal is a Google-owned, online scan-for-viruses tool.
  74. MSCD is Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer... another silly certification
  75. is some crowdsourcing funding thing.
  76. Comcast has a one terabyte data limit.


Addendum 4/20/2018: Scrolling the mousewheel adjusts the zoom at a browser and not the font size. See this.


Addendum 1/13/2020: "Escape The Room" in 46 should just be an escape room as "Escape The Room" is more specifically a company that offers escape room adventures. 70 is probably partially inaccurate. There is a reassessment in modern years in which Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is deemed the first example of science-fiction.

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