Thursday, June 6, 2013

Debug a dojox/app controller within Google Chrome Developer Tools.

I'm not sure how the stuff in the Sources tab of Google Chrome Developer Tools is generated. The tree there does not show every file in a topmost folder. Instead, I am betting that links are crawled from an entry point, perhaps main.js in a dojox/app application. This would explains why controllers such as /app/foo/Bar.js are not showing up by default as "foo,Bar" would be called as a route to reach this item and the app would not have a hardcoded reference to this .js file anywhere. I am still too green to these tools to know if you can add a file to the tree at Sources. I could not figure that out. What you can do to hack around the problem is to put...

debugger; the controller. If your app makes it to that line of code, the controller will suddenly be a part of the file tree and stop at a breakpoint at that line of code within the Sources tab.

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