Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Compare with base

When committing in TortoiseSVN, when you see a list of files to be committed, before you click "OK", right-click on each file and pick "Compare with base" to see highlights of your changes so that you may catch something obviously awful. This came up in the context of a conversation today in which it was asserted that the farther upstream a problem might be caught the less money it costs a business entity. I've heard this theory before and have seen data points to back it up before. It would cost my employer less for me to catch my own bug than for a code review to catch it which for cost less than the bug being found in production and then dealt with. They chain to production has more than these three steps in this model. I can't recall what all of the steps are in the example I saw. Whatever. Anyways, the cost to the business balloons exponentially the farther the bad is allowed to progress along the chain.

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