Saturday, June 23, 2012

AngularJS and Knockout

I saw Paul Hammant (co-creator of Selenium) of ThoughtWorks speak on client-side MVC at an IEEE CS meeting held at Pervasive three days ago. His talk was high level and really ultimately only suggested that one pick either AngularJS made by Google peeps or Knockout.js made by Microsoft peeps for the task. Neither are verbose, with AngularJS even less wordy than Knockout, and both are certainly superior, in Paul's opinion, to Backbone.js which is verbose:

Knockout looks better than Backbone in this chart. on Twitpic

I sensed it made sense to pick AngularJS over Knockout, but Paul cautioned that ASP.NET teams will use Knockout given the Microsoft bias.

excuse me, it's a Knockout foreach on Twitpic

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